Mrs. Brenda Kober of Jennings, LA has accomplished many things in her life. She is a wife, a mother, and a grandmother. She had worked hard to put her daughters and two grandchildren through school, but always wanted her high school diploma. In November of 2015, she entered Goodwill’s HiSET preparation class, determined to earn her certificate.
Mrs. Brenda worked tirelessly to learn the materials needed to pass the HiSET. One year after starting the class, she passed the Science, Social Studies, and Essay/Language portions of her test. Mrs. Brenda struggled with the Reading and Math portions, but she persisted. In May of 2017, after four attempts at the Math section, she finally passed! The only thing that stood in her way was the Reading exam.
While attempting to take her Reading test, Mrs. Brenda needed to take a break from testing due to medical reasons. After a few months, she returned with more determination than ever to complete her HiSET goal. Mrs. Brenda’s doctors noted a difficulty with focus and concentration. Knowing this information, Mrs. Brenda and her HiSET instructor were able to complete paperwork that requested accommodations for testing. Thankfully, the request was approved and Mrs. Brenda was granted double time, breaks during the test, and a private room that would allow her to read aloud to herself in order to better comprehend the material. Unfortunately, Mrs. Brenda continued to struggle with passing the Reading portion. She went on to take the test 11 times, but received a failing score each time. Some people may have given up at this point, but Mrs. Brenda persevered. She took the test for a 12th time, and coincidentally, she scored a 12 on this attempt (8 is passing). After five years of hard work and dedication, she had finally accomplished her goal because she persisted when she was met with failure.
The biggest takeaway from Mrs. Brenda’s story, is that it’s never too late to chase a dream. She knew she wanted her HiSET. With her eyes on the prize, she pushed through the obstacles that were in her way and reached her goal triumphantly. Stories like this are the reason Goodwill continues to serve the community. There are people in the Acadiana community that want to further their education and careers by earning their HiSET, and Goodwill is always here to help!
For more information regarding Goodwill’s HiSET program please call 337-769-7650 or visit the services page on our website!