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a + b = c; Attitude + Belief = Capability

Goodwill Acadiana

Sometimes it feels like the busyness of life gets in the way of our dreams. This wasn’t the case for Javonka Carron. With a positive attitude and an unbreakable belief in herself, she earned her HiSET (High School Equivalency Test) diploma.

        It was at a quarterly meeting that Javonka, an employee at Goodwill on Ambassador, learned about our HiSET program. She called and put herself on the Lafayette waitlist. She officially began classes in March of 2016. For the first few months, Javonka attended class regularly. As her life became more active, it was harder for her to attend class as much as she wanted. Many mornings she would meet one of the Goodwill Services employees in the parking lot and hand them her class work before having to rush off to be on time for her job. She would call and come by in the afternoons to review the work she had left and received more assignments in the areas she needed the most help with.

        In August of 2016, the Goodwill Services crew registered her for the HISET exam. She was excited, ready to go, and passed Reading on the first try. But again life threw a few curve balls her way, and her other exams had to be postponed. In April of 2017, she was ready to reschedule the other tests. She passed everything except Social Studies. But undeterred she continued studying, stopping by and calling with questions and requests for more study materials.

        On July 24th, 2017 Goodwill Services employees received a call. The caller was yelling “I passed, I passed!” It was Javonka. After three tries she finally passed the Social Studies portion and received her HiSET diploma. Javonka’s positive, go-getter attitude proves that no matter how busy your life may be, success is possible!

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At Goodwill Acadiana, our mission is clear; we offer programs to help those facing a variety of barriers. We do this by providing free employment services and adult education classes to those in need. Our HiSET course helps students earn their high school equivalency diploma, while our employment services offer resume and cover letter writing, job searches, and interviewing skills. Goodwill Acadiana strives to be a place where people can turn in order to improve their quality of life.



2435 W. Congress St.

Lafayette, LA 70506


A CARF Three-Year Accreditation was awarded to Goodwill Acadiana for our Supported Employment & Pre-Vocational Habilitation Programs.


CARF accreditation is a public seal of trust and commitment to quality based on internationally accepted standards. Achieving this accreditation demonstrates Goodwill Acadiana’s quality, accountability, and commitment to the satisfaction of the persons served. For more information on CARF, visit

CARF Gold Accreditation Seal
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